Karuna Yoga Vidya Peetham Bangalore


PRANAYAMA AND PSYCHOSOMATIC DISORDERS Psychosomatic Disorders are conditions involving the occurrence of physical symptoms without an actual physical source. For example Pain Disorder, Hypochondriasis, Conversion disorder, Somatization disorder, etc. In each of these disorders, there is the presence of physical symptoms however they are manifested physically due to the disturbance of the mind. These issues […]


FULL YOGIC BREATHING AND ITS BENEFITS Full Yogic Breathing is a conscious practice of breathing used in Pranayama which utilizes conscious breathing from three areas of the body: abdomen, thoracic, and clavicle. The process is inhaling deeply first into the abdomen, then filling the lungs, and finally the clavicle region. While exhaling, the air is […]

Virabhadrasana – II (Warrior – II Pose)

Virabhadrasana – II (Warrior – II Pose) This is warrior 2. Start in Tadasana. Step your feet three and a half to four feet apart on an exhale. Inhale and turn your right foot out 90 degrees. Turn your left foot inwards slightly so it is pointing in the direction of the right foot. Now […]

What is pranayama? – patanjali yoga sutra

What is pranayama? 2.49.  Tasmin sati svasaprasvasayorgativichchhedah pranayamah| Tasmin-on that Sati-having been Svasaprasvasayah-inhalation, exhalation Gati-movement Vichchhedah-break, cessation Pranayamah-pranayama After the asana practice done, pranayama is the stopping of the movement of incoming and outcomng breath.  

Types of Pranayama-patanjali yoga sutra

Types of Pranayama 2.50. Bahyabhyantarastambhavrttih desakalasankhyabhih paridrsto dirghasuksmah , Bahyah-outer Abhyantara-internal Stambhavrttih-supperessed stage Desa-place Kala-time Sankhyabhih-number Paridrstah-measured Dirgha-prolonged Suksmah-subtle Pranayama is external, internal or suspended, regulated by place, time and number and becomes prolonged and subtle.  

Fourth type of pranayama-patanjali yoga sutra

Fourth type of pranayama 2.51.  Bahyabhyantaravisayaksepi chaturthah| Bahya-external Abhyantara-internal Viñaya-object Aksepi-transcending Chaturtha-fourth The fourth pranayama is that which transcends the internal and external object, called it breathless state.  

Prana and Mind

Prana and mind are controlled through each other Pavano badhyate yena manastenaiva badhyate / Manascha badhyate yena pavanastena badhyate// Through controlling the prana, thought is contolled and through control of thought, prana or air is controlled. (Chapter -4, Verse 21).

Mind – Senses, Prana – Mind, Nada – Prana

Mind – Senses, Prana – Mind, Nada – Prana Indriyanam mano natho manonathastu marutah/ Marutasya layo nathah sa layo nadamasritah// Mind is the controller of the senses, prana is the controller of the mind. Dissolution is the lord of the prana and that dissolution, laya is the foundation of nada. (Chapter -4, Verse 29).   […]

What is life and death; the functions of five Vayus

What is life and death? What is life and death; the functions of five Vayus   Yavad vayuh sthito dehe tavaj jivanam uchyate / Maranam tasya nishkrantistato vayum nirodhayet//(Chapter -2, Verse 3).   As long as the vayu (air and prana) remains in the body, that is called life. Death is when it leaves the […]
